25 October 2023

Welcome to the briefing from the Angus Integration Joint Board (IJB).  It is hoped this short summary will help to provide some details about the work taking place in Angus to support health and social integration.  We are always interested in any feedback and if you want to leave comments, details of how these can be provided are given overleaf.

The latest IJB meeting took place on 25 October 2023 and what follows is a summary of the topics that were discussed in open session.  If you would like to see the full reports these are published online at:  https://www.angus.gov.uk/healthsocialcareintegration/integration_joint_board_agendas_reports_and_minutes

Agenda Item 4– Finance Report (Report IJB 70/23)

The purpose of this report was to provide Angus Integration Joint Board (IJB) with an update on the financial position of Angus IJB including financial projections for 2023/24, an update on planned interventions, reserves, financial risks and governance.

The IJB accepted the overall projected financial position of Angus IJB.

The IJB devolved authority to the IJB Chief Officer and Chief Finance Officer, in conjunction with the IJB’s Chair and Vice Chair to develop proposals regarding the IJB’s Financial Planning Reserves and in year underspends in line with proposals. 

The IJB Scrutinised and noted the issues documented regarding Financial Governance.

Agenda Item 5 – Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023 (Report IJB 71/23)

The Director of Public Health (DPH) Annual Report 2023 provided an overview of key health and ill-health metrics and risk factors that could be influenced to determine the likelihood and course of disease. The report was designed as a reference tool for all agencies and organisations in Tayside to be informed of key population health metrics, current public health challenges and future anticipated trends. It was designed to help focus the action required to improve the health of people living in Tayside and continue to galvanise collective effort to improve health, reduce inequalities, focus on prevention and deliver best outcomes for all.

The IJB acknowledged and supported the report and will continue to consider its content to inform future strategic planning and work.

Agenda Item 6 – Tayside Primary Care Strategy 2024 – 2029 Progress Update (Report IJB 72/23)

The development of the Tayside Primary Care Strategy had been jointly commissioned by the Chief Officer of Angus Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) and NHS Tayside Medical Director to support the delivery of excellent, high quality, accessible and sustainable primary care services for the population of Tayside.

This report provided an update on the progress made to develop the Tayside Primary Care Strategy.

The IJB acknowledged the progress made to date to prepare the Tayside Primary Care Strategy (TPCS) and also agreed that a final version of the Tayside Primary Care Strategy will be brought to the IJB for approval in February 2024.

Agenda Item 7 – Category 1 Responder & Resilience Planning Progress Update (Report IJB 73/23)

This report provided an overview of Angus IJB status as a Category 1 Responder within the framework of Civil Protection and Emergency Management.  It outlined the responsibilities, obligations, and implications of this designation, as well as our preparedness to fulfil the role effectively.

The IJB acknowledged the work undertaken to date to ensure Angus IJB can fulfil the duties of Category 1 Responder status.

Agenda Item 8 – Communication and Engagement Update and Strategic Framework 2023 – 2026 (Report IJB 74/23)

The purpose of this report was to provide an update about communication and engagement activity undertaken from 1 October 2022 – 30 September 2023 and seek Angus IJB approval for the Communications and Engagement Strategic Framework 2023-2026. The framework outlined priorities for the next three years (2023-2026) and associated actions.

The IJB acknowledged the progress undertaken to advance the communication and engagement activities of AHSCP during October 2022 – September 2023 and approved the Communication and Engagement Strategic Framework 2023 – 2026.

The IJB endorsed the Communication and Engagement Strategic Framework Action Plan and requested that a Communication and Engagement section is added to the IJB report template.  The IJB also requested an annual progress report on the implementation of the Communication and Engagement Strategic Framework Action Plan 2023-2026.

Agenda Item 9 – Angus Urgent and Unscheduled Care Programme and Winter Planning Update (Report IJB 75/23)

This report provided the IJB with an update on the progress made in relation to the Urgent and Unscheduled Care Programme. The Report included a summary of the work of the Programme, the outcomes from this work and priorities for the year ahead.

The IJB acknowledged the progress that has been made in relation to the Urgent and Unscheduled Care Programme in Angus.

The IJB agreed to a full review of Minor Illness and Injury provision in Angus as detailed in Strategic Delivery Plan and in line with Optimising Access Workstream of the Regional Urgent and Unscheduled Care Programme and also approved and endorsed the AHSCP Actions to support winter.

The IJB acknowledged the cost pressures to deliver the services required to meet winter demand, on the background of ongoing flow challenges and approved the delayed discharge target for AHSCP for 23/24.

The IJB also supported whole system working in preparation for anticipated winter challenges.

Agenda Item 10 – Workforce Planning Progress Update (Report IJB 76/23)

Scottish Government required the AHSCP to have a three year workforce plan commencing July 2022.  The three year plan and accompanying action plan was approved at IJB in June 2023 (report IJB 36/22).

An annual update of the workforce plan was required to evaluate progress and establish if workforce priorities and challenges remained the same as the previous year or if these had changed.  If these had changed and new priorities had emerged, the annual update of the workforce plan should illustrate mitigations to address these.

This report provided the IJB with the first annual update of the workforce plan; highlighted the progress that has been made in the first year of the workforce plan implementation and highlighted the main workforce issues.

The IJB agreed the content of this report, acknowledged the progress that had been made in the first year of the workforce plan, and approved the annual update of the workforce plan.

Agenda Item 11 – Annual Performance Report (Report IJB 77/23)

The purpose of this report was to seek approval from IJB to publish the Angus IJB 22/23 Annual Public Performance Report.

The IJB approved the content of the Angus IJB Annual Public Performance Report and agreed which option the IJB would like to follow for submission of the Annual Public Performance Report.

Agenda Item12 – Angus Alcohol and Drug Partnership Update (Report IJB 78/23)

The purpose of this report was to seek endorsement from Angus IJB on the Inaugural Annual Report for the Angus Alcohol and Drugs Partnership, which provided updates on the business and progression of national policy and priorities in relation to drugs and alcohol at a local level.

 The IJB endorsed the Inaugural Angus Alcohol and Drug Partnership Annual Report 2022- 2023 and accepted a level of reasonable assurance.

Agenda Item 13 – Annual Chief Social Work Officer Report 2022-2023 (Report IJB 79/23)

This report presented the Angus Council Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report for 2022 to 2023.  The report and its consideration was a requirement to ensure oversight and accountability within the local authority for all social work and social care services, including those delegated to the IJB.  Following approval at Angus Council on 7 September 2023, the report was submitted to the Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser to Scottish Government.

The IJB noted the contents of the Annual Chief Social Work Officer Report for 2022-23.

Feedback and Comment

We hope you found this brief summary useful, but any comments or feedback are considered very useful.  Please contact us at our email address: tay.angushscp@nhs.scot

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