
Scottish Government requires the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) to have a 3 year workforce plan commencing July 2022. In 2019 the Scottish Government’s Integrated Workforce Plan for Health and Social Care Integrated Workforce Plan confirmed that Workforce Planning for NHS Boards and Health and Social Care Partnerships should be undertaken on a three-year cycle to align with Financial and Operational Planning cycles.

The six steps to workforce planning approach 6 Step Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning has been used in developing this plan. The plan has also been informed by the National Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care. Cognisance has also been given to the NHS Recovery Plan as well as local plans such as the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Commissioning Plan and Strategic Financial Plan. This Workforce Plan for 2022-2025 also links with both the national and local Remobilisation Plans that have been developed.

The plan also aims to address themes identified in the 2021/22 Interim Workforce Plan and subsequent feedback from Scottish Government which highlighted the following areas:

  • Align workforce considerations with the organisations strategic direction linking with service and financial planning commitments.
  • Identify the key priority service areas across the medium term.
  • Clearly identify the workforce risks and capacity requirements across these priority areas providing, in some detail, the anticipated whole time equivalent need that has been identified through workforce modelling exercises.

This is a three-year plan which is supported by the Workforce Implementation Action Plan. The Action Plan is detailed and can be viewed in the accompanying information pack. It is co-ordinated by the AHSCP Workforce Steering Group.

The purpose of the Workforce Steering Group is to provide a strong, effective, integrated and collaborative partnership forum that will improve workforce planning and ensure that collectively the group possess the required expertise, skills, knowledge and resources to analyse, forecast, and plan workforce supply and demand. The plan will be monitored through the AHSCP Executive Management Team. Members of the AHSCP Senior Leadership Team will be responsible for implementing the plan.

This plan is accompanied with other information documents:

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