Community Alarm Christmas Message

Angus Health and Social Care Partnership are currently working through a Two-year plan to change alarms to new digital units throughout Angus. To date we have successfully transferred 40% of the community alarm population. As a result, 1,941 people are supported digitally throughout Angus. In recognition of the work we have completed, the Digital Office Scotland has awarded Angus Health and Social Care Partnership the Level one Gold Award.

To continually improve the service Angus Health and Social Care will continue to support those that currently have an alarm.

If you experience any issues with connection to the care control, please be reassured that they will call you back to discuss the reason for the call and if unable to contact you will then call family/friends/ care agencies to visit you or if required the response team will attend.

We are also aware that some people have been contacted by telephone from a scam ring. The person calling asks for your bank details and advises that they take your bank details for the delivery of their alarm. Do not give this out. Community Alarm will never call you and ask you for your bank details or arrive at your property asking for money to upgrade your community alarm. Please do not get caught out by this. If you have any concerns hang up and call through to our control room via your community alarm to report any concerns.

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