Message from Gail Smith, Chief Officer, Angus Health and Social Care Partnership

I acknowledge that the severity of the impact of Storm Babet is only beginning for some. It is a very difficult time for people in our communities and I wish to convey my sincere condolences to those who have lost family members as a result of the storm. My thoughts are also with everyone who had to leave their homes due to flooding and loss of electricity.

I would like to say a massive thank you again to all the staff, teams and volunteers who have been involved in providing care and support to the most vulnerable members of our community. This has been a real team effort, working with partner organisations and emergency services to coordinate the response.  You have all gone above and beyond to care for, and comfort people at a very distressing time in their lives. 

Many of you have worked tirelessly to keep communities safe through one of the worst storms Angus has ever seen. The Angus community has really rallied round to help others during the most challenging of times. The sense of community spirit has been fantastic to see and there has been numerous examples of kindness and selflessness in the face of real difficulties. I am so incredibly proud of everyone. 

I appreciate there are so many people who require recognition for the hours they have put in over the past few days. In particular, I would like to offer a special thanks to everyone who supported the rest centres and to those who worked so hard to find people alternative accommodation. 

I realise that the significant impact of the storm will continue for a long time to come. Angus Health and Social Care Partnership remains committed to make sure we do everything we can to manage the recovery phase by providing care and support to those who need it.

Please continue to look out for vulnerable and elderly neighbours who may be requiring assistance.

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