Cookie Policy


A cookie is a small piece of text stored on your computer, phone or whatever you use to browse the web. Cookies have many uses, but fundamentally they are used to store information about you on your computer.

If you set your browser to refuse cookies, please be aware that there will be parts of this website that will not work.

We encourage you to accept the cookies our website uses as they help us to improve the user experience for you and many others.

We do not use cookies to store or obtain personal information about the user or use any cookies for advertising purposes.


The following cookies are set by Google Analytics:

NameTypical ContentExpires
_utmarandomly generated number2 years
_utmbrandomly generated number30 minutes
_utmcrandomly generated numberwhen you close your browser
_utmzrandomly generated number and information on how the site was reached (e.g. direct or via a link, organic search or paid search)6 month
_garandomly generated number used to calculate visitor session and campaign data2 years
_gatrandomly generated number10 minutes


We recommend you allow the cookies set by this website as they help us to improve it and provide a better service. If you do not want to receive cookies from this website, select cookie settings under the privacy settings in your browser options and add our domain – – to the list of websites from which you wish to refuse cookies.

Under settings you can also delete individual cookies, or any cookies that your browser has stored. You can find more information on how to delete and control cookies at

If you set your browser to refuse cookies, please be aware that there may be functionality on various websites that will no longer work.

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