Technology Enabled Care (TEC)

In today’s connected world, technology is making it easier than ever before to access information and services. It has changed the way we shop, the way we travel, the way we watch TV – and it can change the way we manage our health, care and wellbeing too by enabling us to stay up-to-date, connected and in control.

From mobile apps that let you share clinical information without visiting a hospital, to video consultations – new technologies offer a range of ways for you to manage your health and care. And you don’t need to be a tech-savvy genius to do it either. Many services, such as text alerts for appointments, can be accessed using just a mobile phone. Watch these helpful animations for a quick guide to how technology can help you take control, stay connected and better manage your own health, care and wellbeing.

This Online Tool will connect you with a simple assessment which will provide an indication as to whether telecare could provide you with the support you need.

Angus Health and Social Care Partnership is the first partnership in Scotland to formally sign up to the aims, values and principles of the Technology Charter for People Living with Dementia in Scotland.

This Charter has been written in partnership with people living with dementia to drive change and to raise public and professional awareness of how technology can make a difference to the lives of those living with dementia. We want everyone to know about the positive benefits of technology and how it can make a difference.

In Angus we are committed to ensuring the values and principles of the Charter are embedded in our practice by actively prioritizing the use of technology to benefit all those in Angus with dementia and their families.

Find out more about the Dementia Charter here.

As part of the work towards our commitment the Technology Charter for People Living with Dementia we are encouraging people to sign up to the Alzheimers Scotland Purple Alert mobile phone app scheme.

Purple Alert is a free mobile phone app designed by people living with dementia and their carers with Alzheimer’s Scotland, Police Scotland, Social Work, Dementia Friends, Dementia Friends Scotland, Health and Social Care Partnerships and telecare services.

The app allows carers to share the person living with dementia’s profile if they lose their way and allows for eyes and ears on the ground immediately helping to find them.

Purple Alert is the first app of its kind in the UK and it is available for free download to iOS and Android smartphones.

Alzheimer Scotland hope that it will be downloaded and supported widely by people in Scotland and that it will help find people living with dementia if they are lost.

Angus Health & Social Care Partnership have arranged for staff with work mobiles to have access to this app, and those who are willing to support this can access the app via their ‘Apps@Work’ icon on their device to download.

If you would like to know more about this app, please use the following link to find information videos explaining how it works and more importantly what it means to carers and family.

More information can be found over at Purple Alert.

This Online Self Assessment system provides professional advice and guidance on everyday activities and how you can remain safe and independent within your home. You can access the system for information on equipment solutions, local and national services and supports, advice and/or complete individual assessments to determine whether specific conclusions can be matched to you, your needs and your home environment.

You or family members/carers can access the system with your permission to view the information. You will be asked to register basic information to confirm you or the person you are inquiring about is a resident of Angus.

ADL Smartcare


With The LifeCurve App you can find out how you are aging by answering a series of questions about day to day activities and whether or not you manage them. You will then be advised what suggested activities you can undertake to encourage health aging. The app may also suggest particular assessments you could complete on the Independent Living Angus website (see above). For more information on this app and where to download it, visit the The LifeCurve App website.

Just Checking is a simple, web-based activity monitoring system which is installed in an individual’s home or in supported living environments.  Small, wireless movement sensors generate a 24 hour chart of activity, accessed via a secure website by health and social care professionals, care staff and family members who have been provided with log-in details.

The activity sensors can help identify what time an individual went to bed, whether they had a disturbed night, how often they visit the kitchen or bathroom, if they left the house, and for how long.  Installed over a six week period, the Just Checking system can illustrate daily patterns and how an individual is responding to care services.  In supported living, Just Checking can show the call on care staff, particularly at night.

In Angus the Just Checking kits help workers assess care requirements for individual service users. The system builds up a picture of movement by the service users within their own homes and identify whether the level of care they receive actually is effective in meeting their needs at the right time.  The workers use this information to ensure they are providing the right services at the right time to achieve maximum benefits for the service user.  Just Checking is only available to use by workers who require the support of the system to inform their decision making on support and care provision.

Angus HSCP have been successful in obtaining funds to help raise awareness of Technology that is currently available to keep people safe at home for longer.

This new initiative will work alongside the Enablement and Response Team (ERT).  It will allow people supported by the ERT to have the opportunity to try various items of alternative commercial technology enabled care (TEC) that they may not otherwise have the chance to try.  As people are referred to ERT they will be assessed for specific pieces of technology that may support their needs.  If equipment is identified, service users will be loaned the equipment for a period of 4 weeks.  During this time they will be asked to evaluate the equipment to see if it supports them and helps them to feel more safe and able to manage at home.  By doing this it is hoped that people will gain confidence in using TEC enough to encourage them to try other TEC that can aid them to remain independent at home.

Equipment being supplied throughout the trial includes, Echo Dot, Remote Control plugs, Wireless Motion Sensing LED lights, Magiplugs, Ownfone (simple, easy to use mobile phone), Projector Clocks, Automatic LED Toilet Lights, Droplet Hydration Systems (to prompt fluid intake).

This is an exciting new initiative moving towards tech support in the future as part of our assessed care and support delivery plan.

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