28 August 2024

Welcome to the briefing from the Angus Integration Joint Board (IJB).  It is hoped this short summary will help to provide some details about the work taking place in Angus to support health and social integration.  We are always interested in any feedback and if you want to leave comments, details of how these can be provided are given overleaf.

The latest IJB meeting took place on 28 August 2024 and what follows is a summary of the topics that were discussed in open session.  If you would like to see the full reports these are published online at:  https://www.angus.gov.uk/healthsocialcareintegration/integration_joint_board_agendas_reports_and_minutes

Agenda Item 4 – Chief Officer Update (Report IJB 45/24)

This report provided an update on behalf of the Chief Officer on items that do not merit a full report, but the IJB may wish to note. The report detailed updates on work underway across Angus Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) and information in relation to a range of policy updates. Topics covered in the report include:

  • Annual Performance Report 2023-2024.
  • Delayed Discharge Position
  • Unmet need – update
  • Lochbank Care Home update
  • National Care Service Update
  • Social Work Governance Review
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland; Ageing and Frailty Standards
  • Creating Hope Together – Delivery Plan April 2024 – March 2026
  • Reforming services and reforming the way we work
  • Workforce Update
  • Improving Wellbeing and Workforce Cultures
  • Audit Scotland Integration Joint Boards’ Finance and Performance 2024
  • Adults with incapacity follow up final report
  • Climate Change Duties Update
  • IJB Member visits

The IJB noted the updates provided in this report.

Agenda Item 5 – Revised Annual Workplan/Reporting Schedule (Report IJB 46/24)

The purpose of this report was to set out the Updated Annual Work Plan/Report Schedule for Angus IJB for 24/2025. The IJB approved the updated workplan/reporting scheduled for 2024/2025 and acknowledged that the annual workplan/reporting schedule 2024/25 will be presented at each IJB as a standing agenda item.

Agenda Item 6 – Timetable of meetings for IJB and IJB Audit Committee 2025

The IJB noted the timetable of IJB and IJB Audit Committee for 2025.

Agenda Item 7 – Appointments (Report IJB 47/24).

The IJB noted resignations, including that of Peter Davidson (Vice Chair) and sought approval for the appointment of voting members plus the Chair and Vice Chair, and additionally, the appointment of the Depute Chief Officer for the further period of six months.

Agenda Item 8 – Mental Health & Learning Disability Programme Update (Report IJB 48/24)

This report provided an update on the progress being made with the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Programme. The IJB acknowledged and supported the progress being made with the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Programme; and supported a further update to come in December 2024 and the modification of the IJB workplan to reflect this.

Agenda Item 9 – Learning Disabilities In-Patents (Report IJB 49/24)

This report advised Angus IJB of the operational decision taken by NHS Tayside’s Executive Leadership Team to progress the move to a single site for Tayside Inpatient Learning Disability Services in line with the strategic direction previously agreed by the Tayside Integration Joint Boards.

The IJB acknowledged the content of the report on the Tayside Inpatient Learning Disability Service as attached as Appendix 1 to the Report; considered the request to reaffirm the strategic direction agreed in 2018 with regards to a move to a single site model for Tayside Inpatient Learning Disability Services;  recognised the development of a comprehensive programme of work to progress the move to a single site by August 2025; accepted the intention to provide quarterly progress reports to the IJB and requested the Chief Officer to ensure these are provided accordingly; and requested the Chief Officer to bring back a further paper to the IJB detailing commissioning requirements for in-patient for Angus.

Agenda Item 10 – Angus Alcohol and Drug Partnership Annual Reporting Survey: 2023/24 (Report IJB 50/24)

This report sought endorsement from Angus IJB of the 2023-24 Scottish Government Annual Reporting Survey for the Angus Alcohol and Drug Partnership and provided an update on the business and progression of national policy and priorities in relation to drugs and alcohol at a local level.

The IJB endorsed the Scottish Government Annual Reporting Survey 2023-2024 submission; and noted the progress of national policy and priorities in relation to drugs and alcohol at a local level.

Agenda Item 11 – Clinical Care and Professional Governance Assurance Report (Report IJB 51/24)

This report was brought to Angus IJB to provide assurance on the clinical and care governance activities and arrangements across AHSCP as outlined in the Getting It Right For Everyone (GIRFE) Framework and in accordance with the AHSCP integration scheme. Clinical Governance is a statutory requirement to report on, at Board level, from Scottish Government as per NHS MEL (1998) 75.

The IJB scrutinised and discussed the content of the report; considered and agreed a reasonable level of assurance regards clinical, care and professional governance within AHSCP; and acknowledged further reports will be presented as per the workplan.

Agenda Item 12 – Finance Report 2024/25 (Report IJB 52/24)

This report provided an update on the financial position of Angus IJB, including financial projections for 2024/25, an update on financial planning, reserves, financial risk and governance.

The IJB acknowledged the overall projected financial position of Angus IJB;  accepted and noted the updated Financial Risk Assessment in Appendix 2;  accepted and noted the update on Reserves in Appendix 3 and requested a proposal regarding the deployment of the “Financial Planning Reserve 2024/25” be submitted to the October 2024 IJB meeting; accepted and noted the issues documented regarding Financial Governance in Appendix 4; and supported the recommendations set out in Appendix 5 regarding financial planning.

Agenda Item 13 – Strategic Planning Update (Report IJB 53/24)

This report provided the IJB with an update relating to progress to deliver the commitments aligned to the strategic priority of prevention and proactive care.

The IJB scrutinised and discussed the content of the report; considered and agreed a reasonable level of assurance regards progress related to prevention and proactive care; and acknowledged further reports will be presented as per the work plan.

Agenda Item 14 – Carers Strategy Update (Report IJB 54/24)

This report provided an update on progress to implement the Angus Carers Strategy 2023- 2026.

The IJB scrutinised and discussed the content of the report; considered and agreed a reasonable level of assurance regards the progress made to implement the Angus Carers Strategy 2023 – 2026; and acknowledged further reports will be presented as per the workplan.

Agenda Item 15 – Advocacy Strategic Framework Progress Update (Report IJB 55/24)

This report provided an update on the progress of the Angus Advocacy Strategic Framework.

The IJB acknowledged the progress of the delivery plan within the Angus Advocacy Strategic Framework since its approval in February 2024; and requested a further update in 6 months time.

Agenda Item 16 – Equalities Mainstreaming Report and Equality Outcome Progress Report (Report IJB 56/24)

This report provided an update on the progress made in relation to the Equality Outcomes 2022-2026 and sought approval for the Equalities Mainstreaming Report 2024.

The IJB acknowledged the progress made with regards to compliance with the Equality Act (2010); approved the Equalities Mainstreaming Report 2024; approved the Equality Outcomes Progress Report 2022-2024; requested an updated Equalities Mainstreaming Report in August 2025; and request a new set of Equality Outcomes in August 2025.

Agenda Item 17 – Angus IJB Audit Committee Annual Report 2023/24 (Report 2023/24)

This report summarised the work of the IJB Audit Committee during the year 2023/24.

The IJB noted the Annual Report of the IJB Audit Committee for the year 2023/24; acknowledged the input provided to the IJB Audit Committee from IJB Audit Committee members, and those supporting the IJB Audit Committee including Angus Council’s Legal Governance and Change Services and the IJB’s Internal and External Auditors.

Feedback and Comment

We hope you found this brief summary useful, but any comments or feedback are considered very useful.  Please contact us at our email address: tay.angushscp@nhs.scot

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