24 April 2024

Welcome to the briefing from the Angus Integration Joint Board (IJB).  It is hoped this short summary will help to provide some details about the work taking place in Angus to support health and social integration.  We are always interested in any feedback and if you want to leave comments, details of how these can be provided are given overleaf.

The latest IJB meeting took place on 24 April 2024 and what follows is a summary of the topics that were discussed in open session.  If you would like to see the full reports these are published online at:  https://www.angus.gov.uk/healthsocialcareintegration/integration_joint_board_agendas_reports_and_minutes

Agenda Item 4 – Appointments (Report IJB 12/24)

The purpose of this report was to note the appointment by NHS Tayside on 29 February 2024 of Sam Riddell, Non Executive Board Member to replace Peter Drury. 

The IJB noted the appointment by NHS Tayside of Sam Riddell Non Executive Board Member to replace Peter Drury.

Agenda Item 5 – Chief Officer Update (Report IJB 13/24)

This report provided an update to the IJB on behalf of the Chief Officer on items that did not merit a full report, but the Board may wish to note. The report detailed updates on work underway across Angus Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) and information in relation to a range of policy updates. Topics covered in the report included:

• Capital Budget on NHS Tayside Projects

• Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 – update with implementation

• Reduction in the working week for Agenda for Change staff in NHS Scotland

• Winter Planning

• NHS Tayside Annual Delivery Plan, NHS Tayside Strategy and Engagement Events

• NHS Tayside Climate Emergency and Sustainability Annual Report

• National Care Service Update

• Consumer Duty for Public Bodies

• New resources for people living with dementia

• Visits by IJB members.

The IJB and AHSCP continue to operate within a fast-moving and complex policy environment which reflected high levels of service demand and the ongoing cost of living crisis, which continued to impact on local communities, and the public sector. In addition, Scottish Government policy continued to develop across a range of areas which will impact on future operations.

The IJB noted the updates provided within this report.

Agenda Item 6 – Day Care Review Engagement Progress Update Report (Report IJB 14/24)

The purpose of this report was to provide an update to the IJB on the progress with the engagement for the Day Care Review and provide the further information as requested at the IJB on 23rd August 2023.

This report contributed to the following strategic priorities in the Angus IJB Strategic Commissioning Plan: –

  • Prevention and proactive care 
  • Care closer to home
  • Equity of Access and Public Protection

The report also contributed to priorities identified within the Angus Carers Strategy, in particular life balance.

The IJB acknowledged and supported the work undertaken in the engagement process and scrutinised the data gathered during the engagement process.  The IJB supported change of language from Day Care to Day Opportunities and acknowledged and supported further engagement work as the Day Opportunities Strategic Framework developed.  The IJB requested an update regarding progress to be presented to the IJB in August prior to the Day Opportunities Strategic Framework coming to the IJB in October 2024 for approval.

Agenda Item 7 – Finance Report (Report IJB 15/24)

The purpose of this report was to provide the IJB with an update on the financial position of Angus IJB, including financial projections for 2023/24, an update on reserves, financial risks, and governance.

The report contributed to the following strategic enablers in the Angus IJB Strategic Commissioning Plan: –

  • Deliver financial sustainability
  • Seeking to achieve best value and cost effectiveness.

The IJB accepted the overall projected financial position of Angus IJB and accepted and noted the update on Reserves.  The IJB also scrutinised and noted the issues documented regarding Financial Governance.

Agenda Item 8 – Angus IJB Strategic Financial Plan 2024/25 – 2026/27 (Report IJB 16/24)

This report updated the IJB regarding the further development of the Angus IJB Strategic Financial Plan for the period 2024/25 to 2026/27 and sought approval for the report’s recommendations.

This report contributed to the following strategic enablers in the Angus IJB Strategic Commissioning Plan:-

• Deliver financial sustainability

• Seeking to achieve best value and cost effectiveness

The IJB considered this version of the Strategic Financial Plan for 2024/25 to 2026/27 and approved the adoption of the 2024/25 position as an interim financial planning framework.  The IJB requested that the Executive Management Team bring forward proposals to the August 2024 IJB to address c£3.0m of the recurring financial planning shortfall in line with the need to deliver a balanced long-term financial plan.

Agenda Item 9 – Primary Care Update (Report IJB 17/24)

The purpose of this report was to provide an update on Primary Care including the progress made with the implementation of the Angus Primary Care Improvement Plan during 2023/24, progress made to date supporting the Angus General Practice Premises Strategy 2023-2026 and the work that took place to support Angus GP sustainability.

This report contributed to the following strategic priorities within the Angus IJB Strategic Commissioning Plan:

• Prevention and Proactive Care

• Care Closer to Home

• Mental Health and Substance Use Recovery

• Equity of access to high quality health and social care

The IJB acknowledged the progress made to date on the Primary Care Improvement Plan and acknowledged the position in relation to the Primary Care Improvement Fund.  The IJB also acknowledged the progress made to date with the Angus GP Practice Premises Strategy and acknowledged that progress will be monitored through the Angus Primary Care Strategic Oversight Group. The IJB requested that a further Primary Care Update be provided in October 2024.

Agenda Item 10 – Clinical Care and Professional Governance Assurance Report (Report IJB 18/24)

This report was brought to the IJB to provide assurance on the clinical and care governance activities and arrangements across AHSCP as outlined in the Getting It Right For Everyone (GIRFE) Framework and in accordance with the AHSCP integration scheme. Clinical Governance is a statutory requirement to report on, at Board level, from Scottish Government as per NHS MEL (1998) 75.

The AHSCP Clinical, Care and Professional Governance Group (CCPG) oversees the quality and safety of care provided by services. This includes those contracted by Angus HSCP which enables assurance to be provided to Angus IJB, NHS Tayside and Angus Council. In April 2020 CCPG adopted a new quality framework to support a continuous improvement approach. This was developed in line with the Scottish Government’s Health and Social Care Standards which set out what people should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland. AHSCP seek to provide better outcomes for everyone and to ensure that individuals are treated with respect and dignity and that the basic human rights are upheld. This framework ensured that the focus remained on what matters most to people. AHSCP CCPG continues to evidence how a consistent approach to integrated working improves the quality of care provided across Angus. This will continue to be monitored to ensure the standards of integrated care delivery are high across the spectrum of services across Angus

The IJB scrutinised and discussed the content of the report and endorsed a reasonable level of assurance regards clinical and care governance within AHSCP. The IJB acknowledged further reports will be presented as per the workplan.

Agenda Item 11 – Local Performance Indicators (Report IJB 19/24)

This report presented the updated draft IJB’s local performance indicators to support the delivery of the Strategic Commissioning Plan (SCP) 2023 – 2026.

Each of the four strategic priorities had a series of local performance indicators aimed to demonstrate progress against a range of actions.

The IJB noted the content of this report and approved the updated local performance indicators to be included in IJB performance reports going forward.

Agenda Item 12 – Annual Workplan 2024 – 2025 (Report IJB 20/24)

The purpose of this report was to set out the Annual Work Plan/Report Schedule and Development Session timetable for the IJB for 2024/2025.

The annual workplan/reporting schedule for 24/25 had been developed to ensure relevant reports pertaining to the delivery of the Strategic Commissioning Plan are presented to the Angus Integration Joint Board.

The IJB approved the workplan/reporting schedule for 2024/2025 and approved the development session timetable for 2024/2025.  The IJB also acknowledged other papers or topics may be added to the reporting schedule/development session plan as the need arises.

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