22 February 2023

Welcome to the briefing from the Angus Integration Joint Board (IJB).  It is hoped this short summary will help to provide some details about the work taking place in Angus to support health and social integration.  We are always interested in any feedback and if you want to leave comments, details of how these can be provided are given overleaf.

The latest IJB meeting took place on 7 December 2022 and what follows is a summary of the topics that were discussed in open session.  If you would like to see the full reports these are published online at:  https://www.angus.gov.uk/healthsocialcareintegration/integration_joint_board_agendas_reports_and_minutes

Agenda Item 4 – Appointments (Report IJB 1/23)

The IJB noted the resignation of Sarah Dickie, registered nurse representative with effect from 1 April 2023; noted that NHS Tayside have confirmed that Donald McPherson is an appointed proxy member for Angus IJB and appointed David Mackenzie, as a non-voting member in respect of carers representative.

The IJB also noted that with regard to the one vacancy arising in the Audit Committee, to appoint one member of the IJB to its Audit Committee arising from the vacancy.

Agenda Item 5 – Finance Report (Report IJB 2/23)

The purpose of this report was to provide the IJB with an update on the financial position of Angus IJB including financial projections for 2022/23, the impact of COVID-19 on the IJB financial position, an update on reserves, financial planning, financial risks and governance.

The IJB accepted the overall projected financial position of Angus IJB for 2022/23 and supported the recommendation to amend the IJB reserve policy and increase the contingency general reserve to 3% of turnover, an increase in provision of c£0.950m.

Agenda Item 6 – Budget Settlements with Angus Council and NHS Tayside (Report IJB 3/23)

The purpose of this report was to update the IJB regarding the proposed Budget Settlements between Angus IJB and both Angus Council and NHS Tayside for 2023/24.

The IJB noted the views of the Chief Officer and the Chief Finance Officer, that Angus IJB should accept this proposed budget offer (£68.805m) from Angus Council and noted the views of the Chief Officer and Chief Finance Officer, that Angus IJB should accept this proposed budget offer (2.0% increase) from NHS Tayside.

Agenda Item 7 – Angus IJB Strategic Financial Plan 2023/24 – 2025/26 (Report IJB 4/23)

The purpose of this report was to update the IJB regarding the development of the Angus IJB Strategic Financial Plan for the period 2023/24 to 2025/26.

The IJB supported the development of improved resource profiles for Older Peoples Services for the April 2023 version of this plan, the proposed treatment of demographic pressures and the risk allowances reflected in this draft; supported the progression of solutions to resolve Mental Health financial risk sharing with the IJB’s Chair and Vice Chair, and also supported the continued inclusion and development of planned interventions set out in section 6 and request regular updates on these during 2023/24 (from June 2023). 

The IJB requested that the IJB’s Executive Management Team confirm delivery of Management savings (from EMT reviews) by October 2023 and requested the IJB’s local Prescribing Management Group to provide plans to address financial gaps regarding prescribing as part of the next iteration of this plan. 

The IJB will also continue to develop the content of the Strategic Commissioning Plan such that it can be reflected in this Strategic Financial Plan and allow the IJB to demonstrate it can move towards a balanced budget; and noted this draft version of the Strategic Financial Plan, the further work required to develop it and request a final version is brought back to the IJB for approval in April 2023.

Agenda Item 8 – Strategic Planning Update (Report IJB 5/23)

This strategic planning update report provided information about progress in a range of change programmes to meet the strategic vision and priorities for Angus Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

The IJB approved the content of this report which outlines the progress made in delivering on Angus HSCP’s strategic priorities and approved the recommendation that the deadline for the completion of the new Strategic Commissioning Plan be reset for 26 April 2023.

Agenda Item 9 – Angus Living Life Well Summary Update (Report IJB 6/23)

The purpose of this report was to provide Angus IJB with a summary update in relation to the Angus Living Life Well Plan. 

The IJB noted the content of this summary update report and agreed to a further detailed comprehensive report in June 2023.

Agenda Item 10 – Mental Health Services (Report IJB 7/23)

The purpose of this report was to provide the IJB with an update on the current position in relation to mental health services.

The IJB noted the publication of the final report of the Independent Oversight and Assurance Group (IOAG) into Tayside Mental Health Services, the six priority areas for action highlighted in the report and the requirement to submit a detailed action plan to the Scottish Government by 31 March 2023.  The IJB supported the timeline and governance route for approving the detailed action plan before submission to Scottish Government; noted that a Special Meeting of the IJB has been convened for Monday 27 March 2023 at 2pm in order for the IJB to consider the detailed action plan in advance of the Scottish Government deadline of 31 March 2023; and also welcomed and noted the letter from the chair of IOAG, Fiona Lees.

Agenda Item 11 – Joint Inspection of Adult Support and Protection in Angus (Report IJB 8/23)

This report summarised the outcome of the joint inspection of multi-agency arrangements for adult support and protection in Angus that took place between September 2022 and January 2023. The report can be viewed by clicking this link: Joint inspection of adult support protection in the Angus partnership (careinspectorate.com). The report is positive and highlights a significant number of strengths that have been demonstrated across Angus.

The IJB acknowledged the outcome of the inspection.

Agenda Item 12 – Equalities Mainstreaming Update (Report IJB 9/23)

This report provided an update to the IJB on the current position in relation to mainstreaming and integrating equality and delivering on our Equality Outcomes.

The IJB approved the content of this report.

Agenda Item 13 – Performance Report – Mid Year Update (Report IJB 10/23)

The purpose of this report was to update the IJB on the progress made towards delivering the outcomes of the national indicators and support the delivery of the strategic plan. The report demonstrates performance against Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Q1 and Q2 for 2022/23 and describes impact of some of the improvements being made across the partnership; how progress is being made towards delivering the vision, strategic shifts and planned improved outcomes for the people of Angus.

The IJB acknowledged the content of the Q1 & Q2 performance update report and noted that as part of our current review of the Strategic Commissioning Plan, our priorities, key performance indicators and targets will be reviewed and a new dashboard developed from April 2023; accepted the HSCP will work to progress further improvement where the targets have not been achieved and also acknowledged where the targets for local indicators are to be reviewed for the Annual Report.

Agenda Item 14 – Learning and Physical Disability Priority Improvements (Report IJB 11/23)

This report provided an update to the IJB on the current position in relation to the implementation of the Learning and Physical Disability priority improvement plans.

The IJB approved the content of this report and noted the progress to date and approved that updates on the Learning and Physical Disability Improvement Plan will be brought via the Strategic Plan update in future.

Agenda Item 15 – Risk Appetite (Report IJB 12/23)

The purpose of this report was to present to the IJB the output of the Risk Appetite Workshops (August and October 2022) and to seek endorsement for the final draft Risk Appetite Statement.

The IJB approved the draft Risk Appetite Statement.

Feedback and Comment

We hope you found this brief summary useful, but any comments or feedback are considered very useful.  Please contact us at our email address: tay.angushscp@nhs.scot

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