Welcome to the briefing from the Angus Integration Joint Board (IJB). It is hoped this short summary will help to provide some details about the work taking place in Angus to support health and social integration. We are always interested in any feedback and if you want to leave comments, details of how these can be provided are given overleaf.
The latest IJB meeting took place on 21 February 2024 and what follows is a summary of the topics that were discussed in open session. If you would like to see the full reports these are published online at: https://www.angus.gov.uk/healthsocialcareintegration/integration_joint_board_agendas_reports_and_minutes
Agenda Item 4a – Appointment of Chief Officer (Report IJB 01/24)
The purpose of this report was to advise of the appointment of the Chief Officer of the IJB.
The IJB noted the appointment of Jillian Galloway as its Chief Officer.
Agenda Item 4b – Appointments (Report IJB 02/24)
The purpose of this report was to advise of changes in appointments affecting the IJB.
The IJB,
- noted that Kirsty Lee, Interim Director of Children, Families and Justice, replaced Kathryn Lindsay as the Chief Social Work Officer and non voting member of the IJB.
- noted that Peter Drury had resigned as a Non-Executive Board Member, NHS Tayside, and voting member of the IJB.
- noted that Tracey Bowman had resigned as a voting member of the IJB.
- noted that NHS Tayside had confirmed that Martin Black is an appointed Proxy Member for IJB.
- noted that Donald McPherson will continue to be a Proxy Member of the IJB until replacement appointments have been identified.
- will appoint one IJB member to its Audit Committee, noting the exclusion of the Chair, Vice Chair, Chief Officer, Chief Financial Officer and any other members of the IJB who are members of the Audit Committee by virtue solely of their roles within the IJB.
- agreed to designate Eunice McLennan, Head of Community Health and Care Services, as Depute Chief Officer for the IJB in February 2024 for the period of six months.
Agenda Item 6 – Finance (Report IJB 03/24)
The purpose of this report was to provide the IJB with an update on the financial position of Angus IJB, including financial projections for 2023/24, an update on planned interventions, reserves, financial risks, and governance.
The IJB accepted the overall projected financial position of Angus IJB and requested a recovery plan for submission to the IJB’s Executive Management Team by the end of March 2024 for Integrated Mental Health Service and by the end of April 2024 for both Integrated Substance Use and Integrated Occupational Therapy Service, setting out how the services will be brought back to recurring financial balance in 2024/25. The IJB confirmed that agreement on an Angus IJB contribution to regional In-Patient Mental Health overspends for 2023/24 is made by the Chief Officer in conjunction with the Chief Finance Officer and the Chair and Vice Chair of the IJB. The IJB also supported the Reserves proposals and scrutinised and noted the issues documented regarding Financial Governance.
Agenda Item 7 – Budget Settlements with Angus Council and NHS Tayside (Report IJB 04/24)
The purpose of this report was to update the IJB regarding the proposed Budget Settlements between Angus IJB and both Angus Council and NHS Tayside for 2024/25.
The IJB noted the views of the Chief Officer and the Chief Finance Officer, that Angus IJB should accept this proposed budget offer (£74.725m) for 2024/25 from Angus Council. The IJB noted the views of the Chief Officer and Chief Finance Officer that Angus IJB should accept the proposed budget offer set out below for 2024/25 from NHS Tayside.
With respect to the above, should the Scottish Parliament subsequently amend the Scottish Government’s budget proposals, then the proposed budget settlements set out in this report would require to be revisited. This may include minor rounding adjustments or issues that are not subject to negotiation. In these instances, any amendments will be dealt with through the Chief Officer. More significant adjustments may require to be brought back to the IJB.
Agenda Item 8 – Strategic Planning Update (Report IJB 05/24)
The purpose of this report was to update the IJB about the progress made to deliver priorities of the Strategic Commissioning Plan (SCP) 2023-2026.
The IJB acknowledged the progress made to date to deliver the priorities of the SCP 2023 – 2026 and acknowledged that work continued to ensure the Strategic Delivery Plan (SDP) can be delivered within available resources. The IJB also requested that they receive updates regarding each of the strategic priority areas on a rotational basis, together with associated performance updates.
Agenda Item 9 – Angus IJB Strategic Financial Plan 2024/25 to 2026/27 (Report IJB 06/24)
This report updated the IJB regarding the development of the Angus IJB Strategic Financial Plan for the period 2024/25 to 2025/26.
The IJB considered this version of the Strategic Financial Plan for 2024/25 to 2026/27 and requested an update for the April 2024 meeting. The IJB requested the Strategic Planning Group and Executive Management Team continue to develop and progress actions that will close out the IJB’s financial shortfall and also supported a commitment to hold up to four development sessions from March 2024, to provide a forum for ensuring a full understanding of the IJB’s financial challenges and, in particular, to develop proposals regarding how the IJB moves towards financial sustainability.
Agenda Item 10 – Tayside Primary Care Strategy Update (Report IJB 07/24)
This paper updated the IJB on the work to produce a Tayside Primary Care Strategy and seek agreement that ongoing work to produce this strategy is incorporated into the NHS Tayside Strategy, which is adopting a system-wide approach, taking account of national and local priorities.
The IJB acknowledged the work undertaken to revise the Tayside Primary Care Strategy Plan on a Page and agreed that further work required to produce a Tayside Primary Care Strategy is incorporated into the system-wide approach to develop an NHS Tayside Strategy.
Agenda Item 11 – Mental Health and Learning Disability Improvement Plan (Report IJB 08/24)
This report provided the IJB with an update from the Chief Officer, as Lead Partner for the coordination and strategic planning of inpatient mental health and learning disability services, in relation to the Whole System Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Change Programme approved in June 2023. This report updated the IJB on work taken forward since the last report on 13th December 2023. The next update report will be provided to the IJB at its meeting on 26th June 2024.
The IJB agreed to acknowledge the updated position and the high-level progress update.
Agenda Item 12 – Angus Advocacy Strategic Frameworks (Report IJB 09/24)
The purpose of this report was to seek approval for the Angus Advocacy Strategic Framework for publication as the first Framework outlining advocacy services available across our communities. The Framework outlined priorities for the 2023-2026 and associated actions in relation to these priorities.
The IJB endorsed the priorities and actions outlined within the delivery plan of the Joint Angus Advocacy Strategic Framework for Adult Services and approved the Joint Angus Advocacy Strategic Framework for Adult Services.
Agenda Item 13 – Primary Care Prescribing Management Update (Report IJB 10/24)
This report provided an update to the IJB on prescribing management in Angus.
The IJB scrutinised the content of the paper and the ongoing measures being taken to ensure high quality prescribing within Angus. The IJB also acknowledged the increase in prescribing costs and the ongoing work to ensure best value prescribing across Angus, and considered what further support may be offered in light of increasing costs of medicines against ongoing improvements in prescribing quality.
Agenda Item 14 – 2023-24 Mid Year Performance Report (Report IJB 11/24)
The purpose of this report was to update the IJB on the 2023-24 mid-year performance against the National Health and Wellbeing Indicators and progress made to develop a suite of local indicators aligned to strategic priorities.
The IJB discussed the National Indicator Q2 data and approved the targets detailed. The IJB supported the development and approach to agreeing a suite of local performance indicators and targets aimed to demonstrate progress against improvement actions aligned to the four strategic priorities and these be presented to the IJB in April 2024. Additionally, the IJB requested that Angus Health and Social Care Partnership progress improvement actions where targets had not been achieved and requested that the IJB receives updates regarding each of the strategic priority areas on a rotational basis, together with associated performance updates in line with proposal in Strategic Planning Update Paper.