Angus Integration Joint Board

The Angus Integration Joint Board (AIJB) was established in April 2016 in response to The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014. The Act put in place arrangements for integrating health and social care, in order to improve autonomy for service users, patients, carers and their families.

The Act requires NHS Tayside and Angus Council to agree an Integration Scheme and to delegate responsibilities and accountability for a range of functions and associated financial resources to the AIJB.

The Angus IJB is responsible for strategic planning of these delegated functions and resources. This means that all decisions about how resources are spent on these services, the policies and the direction of these services is decided by Angus IJB. The Angus IJB is also accountable for the governance of the AHSCP.

The following services are hosted by AIJB on behalf of the other Tayside Integration Joint Boards:

  • Locality Pharmacy
  • Primary Care Services (excludes the NHS Board administrative, contracting and professional advisory functions)
  • GP Out of Hours
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Continence Service
  • Speech and Language Therapy.

AIJB Standing Orders provide the rules and regulations for the proceedings of the AIJB.

Who sits on the Integration Joint Board?

As stated by the Act and its associated regulations, the IJB is made up of voting and non-voting members.

In Angus there are six voting members of the IJB, three of whom are non-executive board members of NHS Tayside and three of whom are elected members of Angus Council.

There are also a number of non-voting members. These include advisors like the Chief Officer, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Social Work Officer and representatives of the third and independent sector, carers and trade unions. There are also operational advisors for Community Health and Care Services for North and South Angus, mental health, public health, primary care, pharmacy and legal services.

Integration Joint Board Members

To see a member’s Register of Interests, click on the respective member’s name.

Voting Members
Proxy Members
Non Voting Members
Operational Advisors
  • John Cooper, Head of Community Health & Care Services
  • Eunice McLennan, Head of Community Health & Care Services
  • Dr Simon Hilton, Consultant, Public Health
  • David Coulson, Director of Pharmacy
  • Dr David Shaw, Interim Associate Medical Director – Primary Care
  • Alison Watson/Tina Magson, Legal Advisor

To date the practice has been for decisions of AIJB to be made by consensus of the full membership rather than the use of voting.

At the inception of the AIJB, the IJB agreed to create a separate Audit Committee with an agreed remit. The AIJB is required to have a Strategic Planning Group (SPG) responsible for the development and delivery of the strategic plan.

Integration Joint Board Meetings

IJB Meeting Dates
Wed 2pm
IJB Audit Committee
Wed 11:30am
24 April 202424 April 2024
26 June 202426 June 2024
28 August 202428 August 2024
30 October 2024
18 December 202418 December 2024

Below are links to summaries of the most recent IJB meetings:

To see these and previously held meetings in more detail, you can find them over at the Angus Council website.

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