Angus Health and Social Care Partnership

Angus Health and Social Care Partnership (Angus HSCP), formed in 2016, delivers services for Angus Council and NHS Tayside. This means that we have a single system for planning and delivering local health and social care. The Angus HSCP Chief Officer is responsible for the management of planning and operational delivery on behalf of Angus IJB.

Our Plan

As required by the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 (referred to as The Act), Angus IJB assumed responsibility for the strategic direction of health and social care services delegated to it from Angus Council and NHS Tayside. Every IJB is required to produce a Plan that sets out how the nine National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes will be delivered locally. The nine outcomes are embedded in the Framework for Community Health and Social Care Integrated Services (Appendix 2). This Framework aims to improve the pace and scale of integration agreed by the Ministerial Strategic Group for Health and Community Care and supports the ambition for the redesign and improvement of services with a strong focus on prevention, quality and sustainability.

Our Vision, Mission and Values

Through engagement with the public and staff we revised our vision and clarified our values. Collectively these redefine our purpose (mission) as we continue to focus on making difference to health and wellbeing outcomes across Angus.

What services and functions are delegated?

Examples of the services and functions delegated from Angus Council and NHS Tayside to Angus IJB, along with their budget, are detailed in Table 1. below. These services are planned and delivered by Angus HSCP and a range of partners and providers. A full list of the functions delegated to the IJB can be found within the Angus Integration Scheme.

Adult Social Care Services

  • Adult and young unpaid carer support services
  • Adult Support and Protection
  • Reablement, adaptations and telecare
  • Drug and Alcohol Services
  • Care and support for adults with physical and learning disabilities
  • Care at home services
  • Community mental health services
  • Social care services provided to adults and older people
  • Respite provision

Community Health Services

  • Community based Allied Health Professionals
    for example:
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Physiotherapy
  • Community Hospital Inpatient Services
  • Community Pharmacists
  • District Nursing Services
  • Minor Injury and Illness Services
  • Palliative Care
  • Angus Primary Care
  • Services to promote public health and improvement
  • Community Learning Disability Services

Angus HSCP is one of three HSCPs in the Tayside area (others being Dundee HSCP and Perth & Kinross HSCP). To ensure consistency and for economy of scale, some health services are organised Tayside-wide, with a nominated HSCP Partner leading the service on behalf of its own and the other two HSCPs.
Delivering transformation and improvement in Lead Partner service areas means that Angus HSCP works closely with Dundee and Perth & Kinross Partnerships as well as NHS Tayside.


  • Locality Pharmacy
  • Primary Care (excluding NHS Board administrative, contracting and professional advisory roles)
  • GP Out of Hours
  • Forensic Medical and Custody Healthcare Services
  • Continence Service
  • Speech and Language


  • Psychology
  • Sexual Reproductive Health
  • Specialist Palliative Care
  • Centre for brain injury rehabilitation
  • Eating Disorders
  • Dietetics
  • Medical Advisory Service
  • Tayside Health Arts Trust
  • Keep Well
  • Psychotherapy

Perth & Kinross

  • Learning Disability and Mental Health Inpatients
  • Substance Use Inpatients
  • General Dental
  • Community Dental Services
  • Podiatry Services
  • Prison Healthcare

Some of the areas delegated to the IJB also provide services to children, for example Primary Care, Minor Injury and Illness Services, Carers, Continence services and Angus Council delegated Occupational Therapy Services.

Working with people in Angus

Angus HSCP is committed to hearing people’s experiences and using that information to improve service provision. We want to build on the relationships with the people of Angus who use our services now or may do so in the future and will further develop our Service User Voice Network. It is only by working together that we can make a difference to outcomes for all our residents. With the support from people who live in Angus we have developed a series of joint commitments which reflect the notion of two parties (public and the community) contributing to a common goal to make a difference.

Angus Care Model

We continue to develop the Angus Care Model to shift the balance of care from the traditional setting of hospitals to supporting people to live in a homely setting for as long as possible. The Angus Care Model has people at its heart, ensuring that services are fit for the future. The following illustration demonstrates the range of services available within the home, locality, Angus-wide and across Tayside.

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