Know Who To Turn To

This information has been produced to help you know who to turn to if you need advice about adult health and social care in Angus. Simply click or tap the title in each box to show more information.

If you would like more information on our Minor Injury and Illness Services availability times and/or would like to view and print a PDF version of this page, please use the buttons to the left.

Pharmacist and Self-Care

  • Coughs and Colds
  • Aches and Pains
  • Minor Cuts
  • Diarrhea or Constipation
  • Sprains or Grazes

Keep your medicine cabinet well stocked so you access the right treatment immediately.

Most colds and coughs, sinusitis, earache and sore throats get better without antibiotics.

Click here for a list of community pharmacies in Angus

NHS Inform

  • Do you have a muscle or joint problem?
  • Is it interfering with your life or work?
  • Do you want to know how you can help yourself?


Freephone: 0800 917 9390

Need answers to everyday questions about your health?

NHS Inform is Scotland’s health information service.  The website, webchat and phone service provides information to help you look after your own and your family’s health.  You can find the answers to a wide range of everyday health questions, with up to date information covering subjects such as conditions and treatments, healthy living and information on health services across Scotland.

Freephone: 0800 22 44 88

Alzheimer Scotland

Worried about someone you care for who has dementia?

Visit: or call the 24 hour Dementia helpline Freephone 0808 808 3000
Alzheimer’s Scotland offers a wide variety of information and resources to help you understand dementia and any issues that may arise.

Locally at the Angus Dementia Resource Centre, 262, High Street, Arbroath, DD11 1EF, 01241 431770angusservices@alzscot.orgthey can offer support in many ways – dementia friends sessions, dementia cafes, drop-ins, activity and reminiscence groups, carers support groups, peer and individual support.

Do you need to talk?

  • Feeling distressed?
  • Feeling isolated?
  • Feeling anxious?
  • Need to talk things through?

This is a listening service which is available throughout Angus.

For an appointment please call the Wellbeing Centre on 01382 423110.


Information about maintaining a healthy, active and creative lifestyle

Further information is available on the ANGUSalive website or contact 01307 473880

ANGUSalive offers a wealth of services which promote healthy, active and creative lifestyle choices through sports centres, country parks, theatres and venues, museums, galleries, archives and libraries across the county. There are a number of membership options available for our sports facilities and classes.

Voluntary Action Angus

Information about volunteering in Angus

Call 01241 875525/01307 466113 or visit our website

VAA promotes an Angus that Actively Cares. 901 organisations offer a wide range of support across the communities in Angus. This ranges from Arts to Life, befriending to gardening projects. Contact us if you want to find out more about what we do or find out about how to volunteer.

Angus Carers

Are you a carer?

Call: 01241 439157



You may not think of yourself as a ‘carer’ because you are looking after a member of your family, perhaps an elderly parent, a partner or a child with disabilities, but if you do, then you are a ‘carer’. The person being cared for can be of any age. If you want to get some help or find out more about your rights and support available, get in touch.

A listening ear is there for you at Angus Carers Centre. They can help you at an emotional, practical and social level, please call them and let them help you.

Independent Living Angus

Need a bit of help to live at home?

Visit www.

Independent Living Angus is an internet based service which provides professional advice and guidance about a range of supports and services available in Angus.

First Contact

Need advice about care and support for an adult?

Call: 03452 777 778

First Contact is a service for people in Angus aged 16 and older who need access to, or information about:

  • Adult protection concerns
  • Alcohol, drug and blood borne virus service
  • Community alarms
  • Community care
  • Community laundry
  • Community meals
  • Community mental health
  • Community mental health service for older people and people with dementia
  • Community occupational therapy
  • Day care for adults with learning disabilities
  • Dundee and Angus Equipment Service
  • Emergency care
  • Get care and support for an adult
  • Homelessness support
  • Independent Living Angus
  • Rehabilitation for adults with a physical disability
  • Residential care for adults with learning disabilities
  • Self directed support
  • Support for carers
  • Support for people newly diagnosed with dementia

If you already receive a community care service you should get in touch with your usual care worker, and they will help you.

We will carry out an assessment to establish your needs then pass the assessment to the appropriate team. we will arrange a home visit if necessary.

Tayside Council on Alcohol

Concerned about alcohol use?

Call 01382 456012 to find out about support groups or one to one counselling.

Suicidehelp or Samaritans

Concerned about suicide?

Visit or call Samaritans on 116 123

These are resources which cover all aspects of suicide awareness and prevention, including local contacts for help and information about suicide and how to help someone in distress and develop a safety plan.


  • Blurred Vision
  • Sudden Flashes
  • Painful or Red Eyes
  • Floaters

If you have an eye problem, you can make an emergency appointment with an optometrist/optician. These appointments are provided free by the NHS and will ensure you receive the right specialist care as soon as possible. Optometrists/opticians have specialist equipment and may be able to treat and manage your eye condition without a need to go anywhere else. They can also refer you to the hospital eye clinic if necessary.

If your optician is closed please contact NHS24 on 111 for advice.



If you have found out you are pregnant it is important to contact a midwife early so that they can advise you about healthy living, stopping smoking services, pregnancy screening tests and what to expect. Please call 01241 822537.

If you are unsure about your pregnancy, you can contact the Sexual and Reproductive Health Service on 01382 425542, who can advise about clinics taking place across Angus.


Concerned that you, or someone you care for may have a serious drug or alcohol problem, which is affecting employment, family life, physical or mental health?

Call 01241 822502

AIDARS offers a number of treatment options to support recovery, which include motivational enhancement therapy, in patient and community detox for alcohol and opiates, opiate replacement therapy, overdose awareness (including Naloxone dispensing), harm reduction and blood borne virus interventions, relapse prevention either on a one to one or group based support.


  • Severe Toothache
  • Infection or injury in your mouth or teeth that needs urgent attention

If you are registered with a dental practice you should contact your dental practice for an appointment. If your dentist is closed you will hear a message which provides details of their out of hours arrangements.

If you are not registered with a dentist there is an appointment only service in Springfield Medical Centre, Arbroath. Please call 01241 432481 at 8.30am to arrange an appointment on the same day. For problems that occur between 5pm and 8am or at weekends you should call NHS24 on 111. If appropriate, you may be offered an emergency appointment.

There is a walk-in emergency service in the Dental A&E clinic at Dundee Dental Hospital, which is available from 08.30 -11.00am and from 1:30 to 3pm Monday to Friday. There are no appointments for this clinic and people will be seen on a first come first served basis, unless the person is unwell or has acute pain or infection. Please note that people attending the Dental Hospital Dental A&E clinic are usually treated by students under the supervision of qualified dentists.


  • Headache
  • Stomach Pain
  • Vomiting

If you have an illness or injury that just won’t go away, your GP or another member of the General Practice Team can deal with illnesses and long term conditions, such as high blood pressure and asthma. They can give general care and treat people who suddenly become unwell.

Your GP will carry out a detailed examination and provide advice, information and prescriptions, if required. They can arrange for a specialist to see you urgently and arrange emergency admission if required.

Everyone needs to register at their local GP surgery. To find out how to register, or find your nearest medial practice, call 0800 22 44 88 or visit

Is your GP surgery closed? If you have an urgent problem that cannot wait until your GP surgery opens, call 111 for Out of Hours (NHS 24). NHS 24 will offer advice and decide with you the best way to meet your needs. This may be a phone call from a doctor, nurse or mental health nurse. They can also arrange a consultation at an Out of Hours Centre or arrange a visit in your home. If your condition is serious or life threatening, an ambulance will be arranged for you.

Repeat Prescriptions – Please allow two full working days to process a repeat prescription request. The out-of-hours service cannot provide repeat prescriptions.

Minor Injury and Illness Services

If you have an injury, which you cannot treat yourself:

  • Sprains
  • Chemical splashes
  • Minor burns/scalds
  • Insect/animal bites
  • Minor eye injuries

Minor Injury and Illness Services Information can be found here.

If your nearest MIIU is closed, dial 111 for Out of Hours Service (NHS 24)

NHS 24 will offer advice and decide with you the best way to meet your needs. This may be a phone call from a doctor, nurse or mental health nurse. They can also arrange a consultation at an Out of Hours Centre or arrange a visit in your home. If your condition is serious or life threatening, an ambulance will be arranged for you.

999 or A&E

  • Suspected heart attack or stroke
  • Chest pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Severe loss of blood
  • Severe burns
  • Child with sudden unexpected symptoms

Please do not attend A&E with a problem that you would normally see your GP with. This will allow A&E to concentrate on people with emergency or life threatening conditions.

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