13 December 2023

Welcome to the briefing from the Angus Integration Joint Board (IJB).  It is hoped this short summary will help to provide some details about the work taking place in Angus to support health and social integration.  We are always interested in any feedback and if you want to leave comments, details of how these can be provided are given overleaf.

The latest IJB meeting took place on 13 December 2023 and what follows is a summary of the topics that were discussed in open session.  If you would like to see the full reports these are published online at:  https://www.angus.gov.uk/healthsocialcareintegration/integration_joint_board_agendas_reports_and_minutes

Agenda Item 4 – Appointments (Report IJB 80/23)

The purpose of this report was to advise of the intimated resignation of the Registered Medical Practitioner (non voting member) of the IJB and member of the IJB’s Audit Committee; the proposed replacement Registered Medical Practitioner (non-voting member) of the IJB and sought appointment of one IJB member to the Audit Committee.

The IJB noted that Dr Elaine Henry has intimated her resignation as the Registered Medical Practitioner (non-voting) member of the IJB and member of the IJB Audit Committee with effect from 31 December 2023. The IJB agreed to appoint Dr Christopher Schofield, Clinical Director for Elective Medicine, NHS Tayside as the Registered Medical Practitioner (non-voting) member subject to approval by NHS Tayside. The IJB appointed one IJB member to its Audit Committee, noting the exclusion of the Chair, Vice Chair, Chief Officer, Chief Financial Officer and any other members of the IJB who are members of the Audit Committee by virtue solely of their roles within the IJB.

Agenda Item 5 – Finance Report – 2023/24 (Report IJB 81/23)

The purpose of this report was to provide the IJB with an update on the financial position of Angus IJB, including financial projections for 2023/24, an update on planned interventions, reserves, financial risks, and governance.

The IJB accepted the overall projected financial position of Angus IJB and requested a recovery plan for submission to the IJB’s Executive Management Team by the end of February 2024, setting out how Tayside Continence Service will be brought back to financial balance. 

The IJB requested that the Chief Officer review the current prescribing governance arrangements as referred to in section 3.4 and take any necessary steps to improve those arrangements. 

The IJB devolved authority to the IJB Chief Officer and Chief Finance Officer, in conjunction with the IJB’s Chair and Vice Chair to develop further and action proposals to transfer £2.064m of Financial Planning Reserves to support whole system pressures within the IJB’s Partners and the wider system in Tayside as described in Appendix 3.  The IJB also scrutinised and noted the issues documented regarding Financial Governance

Agenda Item 6 – Internal Audit Report – Adults with Incapacity Progress Update (Report IJB 82/23)

Angus Council Internal Audit completed a review of Angus Council’s procedures in place to ensure compliance with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) and the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland (MWC) from August – October 2022.  The overall level of assurance for the period covered by the audit testing was “No Assurance”. The report was published in April 2023 and this paper was a follow up on progress made to date.

The IJB Acknowledged the progress made to date in addressing the recommendations highlighted in the Angus Council Internal Audit Report.

Agenda Item 7 – Clinical Care and Professional Governance Annual Assurance Report (Report IJB 83/23)

This report was brought to the IJB to provide assurance on the clinical and care governance activities and arrangements across the Partnership as outlined in the Getting It Right For Everyone Framework in accordance with the Partnership integration scheme. Clinical Governance is a statutory requirement to report on, at Board level, from Scottish Government as per NHS MEL (1998) 75. The IJB were asked to provide their view on the level of assurance this report provides and therefore the level of assurance regarding clinical and care governance within the Partnership.

The IJB reviewed and accepted the level of assurance provided by NHS Tayside Care Governance Committee in relation to Clinical, Care and Professional Governance within Angus HSCP.

The IJB reviewed and accepted the level of assurance provided by NHS Tayside Care Governance Committee in relation to Clinical, Care and Professional Governance in the Acute Division of NHS Tayside, which included delegated, locally managed NHS and Angus Council functions, and also supported the continuation of an integrated approach, the frequency of meetings, and the breadth of the business undertaken at meetings of Angus Clinical, Care & Professional Governance Group.

Agenda Item 8 – Mental Health and Learning Disability Improvement Plan (Report IJB 84/23)

The purpose of this report was to bring forward an updated Mental Health and Learning Disability Services Improvement plan for approval, following on from a report of the Angus IJB on 12th June 23 (Report 32/23). The Chief Finance Officer for the IJB brought forward a report prepared by the Chief Officer of Perth and Kinross Integration Joint Board in their capacity as Lead Partner for the coordination of strategic planning for inpatient mental health and inpatient learning disability services.

The IJB noted the updated report from the Perth & Kinross Chief Officer and acknowledged that a report will be prepared following the joint development session on the 31st Oct 2023. The IJB also agreed the schedule of detailed progress reports.

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